Monday 1 October 2012

Thriller quiz.

21-28 Impressive. You are thinking around elements we have discussed in class and have clearly been studying around the topic and applying your knowledge rather than just remembering. I'm expecting a good Thriller from you.
The exact number that I got was 27.

I feel that I am meeting the expectations of an AS level media student because I feel that the work and not taking that we are doing is sinking in well and I am able to remember information easily. 

I feel that I learn pretty effectively because all of the notes that I take in class seem to sink in an are easy to remember.

I think that the best ways that I found to remember information was either through the re-making of the se7en edit or by looking at and talking about mind maps because I find it easier to learn by doing things and making things, or talking about them/ listening to them.

My independent learning has been pretty effective because it has helped me to learn how to manage my time better and I also enjoy it more because it involves a lot of film watching and I find it easier to learn by watching.

To improve I need to keep up to date more and post all of my work to the blog.  

1 comment:

  1. Chris I am really very concerned that your blog only has work we have done in class and some of that is missing. There is no evidence of any homework here. Please post the missing work before Tuesday, you are currently on an E grade do something about this before it is too late. See me for help thanks mr b
