Thursday 11 October 2012

Triller synopsis and sub-genres

Donnie Darko opening scene

Sub-genre: mystery thriller
Typical scene: unanswered questions
Character: Boy

The bourne identity opening scene

Sub-genre: Conspiracy thriller
Setting/ Characters: boat, old man/ surgeon, young dead/ unconscious man
Opening scene: Medical scene
Enigma code: Why doesn't he know who he is?

Vertigo opening scene

Sub-genre: crime thriller
Setting/ characters: rooftops, police officer, inspector, man being chased, city.
Crime scene/ Chase scene
Enigma code: Why are the police chasing this man on the rooftops?

The machinist opening scene

Sub- genre: Crime thriller
Setting/ character: dark, mysterious lonely man, dead body
typical scene: murder scene
enigma code: why is the man getting rid of a dead body?

Tuesday 9 October 2012

Scott Pilgrim Slide Timings

This task was to help identify how many slides I will need for when i make my own thriller title sequence, and who will be on each slide.
It also helps me to understand how much priority each person gets and how much screen time that slide is allocated.

Each person involved, in order of when they appear and their importance in the film production.

When each person appears and for how long they are shown for.

Monday 8 October 2012

Self assessment

High level 2/ Low level 3

Mark: 11

Grade: D

Need to upload numbers: 2,3,4,9,10,11

Targets: -complete and upload all work
              -put a high level of care and effort into all work.

What makes a thriller

Thrillers are a genre of film/ television shows that create suspense and tension in order to entertain the audience. The three thrillers I chose to review were Drive, Limitless and Batman the dark knight as i feel they use suspense and tension in different ways in order to maintain the audience's attention and interest.

Drive: In the opening scenes of drive you see the driver explaining his terms and conditions in which he operates, this builds tension because you can clearly tell that he is a professional. As the scene progresses you see him pick up the robbers from the scene of the crime, as he drives away from the scene he can hear the police searching for him because he has a police radio in his car, the tension and suspense builds when he can hear that they have sighted him at some traffic lights because it leads the audience to believe that he is going to be caught. The actor Ryan Gosling is usually found in love/ romantic films, so is quite a shock to see in a thriller.

Limitless: The opening scene of limitless, shows the end of the film, with the main character on the edge of a roof, threatening to jump, while being pursued by other characters, this is typical of a thriller, to show the end first because it builds mystery and engages the audience more because throughout the whole film they will be trying to work out how the ongoing events build up to what happens at the end.

Batman the dark night: The opening scene of batman, shows an armed robbery by criminals in clown suits, saying they have been sent by the joker, during the robbery the audience thinks that the joker has sent these criminals to do the work for him, but as the scene progresses one of the criminals starts to kill off the others, you then find out that this is in fact the joker, giving a twist in the opening scene, this is a usual thriller aspect because it creates mystery and suspense, there is also a twist, to keep the audience engaged. The scene is also set in a city, in a bank, to help make the film look professional, this is also typical of a thriller film.

This is my first attempt at putting clips together that I have filmed myself, by doing this activity I added to my skills on final cut pro and also became familiar with how to use a video camera and a tripod. It also helped me to judge times and how long it takes to film clips.

se7en re-make

se7en re-make

This is my re-make of the title sequence from the film se7en. I used final cut pro to put these clips together and edit them. The clips used were given to us. The way the clips are put together help to make it look like a thriller opening sequence because they build up suspense and mystery, with the effects used. By doing this activity i learnt how to use final cut pro and also became more familiar with what makes up a thriller opening sequence.

Monday 1 October 2012

Thriller quiz.

21-28 Impressive. You are thinking around elements we have discussed in class and have clearly been studying around the topic and applying your knowledge rather than just remembering. I'm expecting a good Thriller from you.
The exact number that I got was 27.

I feel that I am meeting the expectations of an AS level media student because I feel that the work and not taking that we are doing is sinking in well and I am able to remember information easily. 

I feel that I learn pretty effectively because all of the notes that I take in class seem to sink in an are easy to remember.

I think that the best ways that I found to remember information was either through the re-making of the se7en edit or by looking at and talking about mind maps because I find it easier to learn by doing things and making things, or talking about them/ listening to them.

My independent learning has been pretty effective because it has helped me to learn how to manage my time better and I also enjoy it more because it involves a lot of film watching and I find it easier to learn by watching.

To improve I need to keep up to date more and post all of my work to the blog.